After going through massive change, businesses continue to face uncertainty and disruption. What issues will have the greatest impact and how can finance executives navigate the bumpy road ahead? Massimo Massa, Rothschild Chaired Professor of Banking and Professor of Finance at INSEAD, gives his take.
Many enterprises have emerged stronger from the crisis of the past few years. But the pace of change impacting business is not about to slow down. A confluence of economic developments, policy changes and digital innovation is set to transform the way organizations do business in 2023 and beyond.
After two years of the great pandemic work-from-home experiment, digital technologies have become even more indispensable to work and business.
The pivot to virtual ways of doing things has accelerated fintech adoption, delivering benefits to business like faster invoicing and collections and greater access to capital.
But as Massa points out, this is deepening fintech disruption, especially in banking. It forces traditional financial services companies to rethink their business models and to pull back from empire-building.
Finance is a broad field that encompasses the management, creation, and study of money, investments, assets, and liabilities. It involves various key elements, including:
1. Personal Finance: Managing your income, expenses, savings, investments, and debts to achieve your financial goals.
2. Corporate Finance: The financial activities within businesses, focusing on capital budgeting, investments, and funding decisions.
3. Public Finance: Government-related financial matters, including budgeting, taxation, and spending.
4. Investment and Asset Management: Handling investments in various financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and more.
5. Banking and Financial Services: The core of the financial industry, including banks, insurance, and payment processing.
6. Financial Markets: Platforms for trading financial assets, including stock exchanges, bond markets, and forex markets.
The financial world is not without its challenges, and staying informed and making sound financial decisions can be daunting. Some of the notable challenges include:
Amidst the challenges, the world of finance offers a myriad of opportunities for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole:
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